So, after a long couple years I'm on my way back out to the VALLEY. My flight leaves Denver at 6am tomorrow morning and I'll be in San Fran by 10am. After a couple stops for supplies I should be in Yosemite by 4pm. Then, it's 2 weeks of climbing bliss til I return to cold, cloudy Colorado. Winter just can't seem to get the hint that it's not wanted here anymore. It has snowed probably two times this week and it just can't seem to warm up. Today's weather... 55 and rain. I'm done.....
I'm flying out there alone but will meet up with a few of friends that are currently on the road for most of the summer. Last trip out I climbed the Salathe' Wall on El Capitain, but this time I plan on doing lots of LONG free climbs. This is also my first time going out in the spring so I'm really excited to see all the waterfalls in full force. They are all dried up by fall.
I hope to get lots of photographs and will try and post something while out there.
Sorting thru all the gear last night. Keeping the checked bag at 50lbs is tough.
poor blog