Well, It's been an unusually cold and gloomy winter here in Colorado but spring is definitely in the air. We've had a couple big dumps of heavy wet snow in the last week but sunny 60 deg days are here. I made my first trip out to Indian creek last weekend to meet up with some frinds I haven't seen much lately. Sandy came along too despite having foot surgery several weeks ago to enjoy the warm desert air.
We awoke Friday morning to near blizzard conditions here along the Front Range. I'm thinking, great, there goes the weekend... I did a quick check of the weather along I-70 and noticed things looked much better once over the "divide". Go west we did! Once in Siverthorne, the weather improved greatly and continued on that trend the rest of the way thru Colorado.
Sunny skies greeted us in Utah and little if any snow was on the ground. Steven and Carrie were literally right behind us as we departed I-70 and continued south along Hwy 191 into Moab. Jay, Mary and Bob were a couple hours behind leaving Aspen and rolled into Indian creek close to midnight.
We awoke to a beautiful morning and climbed at Scarface Wall all day. I was able to get a few good pictures!
Bob on Comic Relief 5.12- Scarface Wall
Bob takes the ride on Comic Relief!
Jay plugging in gear before launching into the crux of Comic Relief.
Jay goin' big on Comic Relief.
Mary giving Comic Relief a TR burn 4 months pregnant!!
Carrie on Battle of the Bulge 5.11
Carrie gettin' after it.
Steven on the direct start to Battle of the Bulge 5.11.
Steven cruxing on Digital Readout 5.12
Josh Janes on Desert Vuarnet 5.12-
Ah... Life is good.
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