My friend Shumin gave me a buzz last Friday evening asking me about when a certain route in Eldo goes into the shade. Things have really heated up around here making it almost mandatory to seek shade when out climbing. He wanted to climb the route Jules Verne followed by the Naked Edge with his friend Nick Chan. These are both super classic climbs here on the front range. Jules Verne is pretty legendary because of it's committing upper run-out pitch that could easily send you for a big 40+ ft fall if you blow it. The Naked Edge is practically known throughout the world as one of the most aesthetic routes in Colorado. Together, these make a great link-up. A light bulb went off inside my head telling me I should go up there and shoot some pics of these guys. This would require me to slog up the east slabs descent so I could set up where the "Edge" finishes. I would simply build an anchor and drop a static line down the route so I could rappel right down into the action.

Shumin and Nick at the belay ledge.
So, after humping all my gear up there I lowered down the entire length of my 70m rope and was in about the perfect position. Shumin and Nick were busy climbing the lower pitches and were soon coming into view. Conditions were about perfect, weather, lighting etc... I think this is by far the most successful "shoot" I've had to date and are really happy with the images I captured.

Shumin on Lene's Dream. A great varation that links Jules Verne to the Naked Edge.

Shumin hoping something is there.

Small crimps for you.

Nick on the ultra-classic 4th pitch of the Naked Edge.

Nick goin' big!

Nick coming out of the "Bombay" chimney.